Leadership Coaching

“…we’re not human doings, we’re human beings. If we want to change the doing of leadership, I need to change my being.”

~ Don Coyhis, Mohican

About Leadership Coaching?

Arabesque Management engages in leadership coaching relationships with:

  • Senior Leaders (VP, Assistant VP and Director)
  • Managers
  • Emerging Leaders
  • Project Leaders, and
  • Educators

Based on the belief that every client is naturally creative, resourceful and whole, our objective is to elicit solutions and ideas from the client, using highly trained listening, observation and enquiry skills. We customize our approach to the needs of each unique client and support the client as they enhance their skills, tap into their own creativity and explore and leverage resources available to them.

Leadership Coaching…

  • ACT-leadership-screates change by increasing awareness, expanding choice and deepening trust in self
  • inspires individuals to tap into their strengths and talents in order to
    • build and improve upon best practices for achieving results
    • remove roadblocks and barriers to success
    • act with confidence
    • increase productivity
    • meet and exceed individual and organizational goals, and
    • achieve results.
  • is about partnering with the client using a structured process for enquiry, exploration and personal discovery to create movement toward the client’s desires and goals. The coach applies a creative and thought-provoking process to inspire the client to maximize personal and professional potential, while increasing awareness, confidence and accountability.
  • arl-cycleis fundamentally about facilitating change that will lead to desired results; facilitating movement from a current stat to a more desirable future state (Adler International Learning),
  • is an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations.  Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life (the International Coach Federation).

Benefits include…

for the organization, improved

  • talent retention
  • employee engagement and empowerment
  • productivity
  • profitability
  • communication
  • teamwork
  • customer satisfaction and retention
  • succession planning, and
  • change management
for the leader, improved

  • confidence
  • leadership presence and influence
  • relationships
  • innovative and strategic thinking
  • engagement
  • career growth
  • resilience
  • clarity of vision and purpose
  • conflict resolution, and
  • communication skills

Arabesque Management’s clients include Dynamic Funds, Empire Life, Havergal College, HIROC, Lee Hecht Harrison, Mackenzie Investments, RBC Global Asset Management and Sionna Investment Managers.

What to expect

We collaborate with the coaching client and his or her sponsor to:
Identify and clarify the coaching objectives

  • Who does the coaching client want and need to be in order to support the organization’s strategy, culture and goals?

Determine duration of the coaching engagement

  • Given the coaching objectives, what would be an appropriate timeframe for the engagement? What will be the frequency of our meetings?

Define the parameters for the coaching relationship

  • How will the coaching client keep the sponsor informed of his or her progress?

Determine which assessment tool, if any, would most benefit the coaching client?

  • Which assessment tool would bring the greatest awareness to the coaching client?

Define the measures of success

  • What will be different? How will the coaching client and sponsors know that increased self-awareness and application of learning has occurred?


What about confidentiality?

As members of the International Coach Federation (ICF), our coaches are bound by, and fully committed to, the ICF Code of Ethics  to maintain the strictest level of confidentiality. All information exchanged during the course of coaching remains private.

Contact us today for more information on our leadership coaching programs.