Team Coaching

“Through techniques like dialogue and discussion, teams transform their collective thinking, learning to mobilize their energies and actions to achieve common goals, drawing forth an intelligence and ability greater than the sum of the individual members’ talent.” ~ Peter Senge

Team Coaching – The Living Systems Approach™

Team CoachingThe Living Systems Approach (LSA) is for leaders and organizations who desire to move beyond the ‘band-aid’ fix for group and team dynamics to a new frontier – one where sustainable change is created through an individual and collective development process of self-discovery and learning.

In these changing times, healthy and effective teams are essential to vibrant workplaces in order to deliver high performance results and achieve corporate goals.

The traditional consultant with the ‘cookie cutter’ solutions to team coaching ignores the uniqueness of the team and more importantly, ignores the individual team member for the good of the ‘team’ persona.

The Living Systems Approach focuses on exactly the opposite proposition. This approach acknowledges that the individual ‘I’ enriches the experience of the collective. That team growth and evolution is possible through an ‘inside out’ process whereby each team member actively participates in a process of self-discovery and learning – individually and as a collective – in order to deepen their own learning and forward their actions – all in relation to raising the team’s performance capacity.

So in fact, the corporate objectives are achieved but from an ‘inside out’ process that creates true sustainable change.

In today’s environment, the traditional ‘command and control’ approach to teams is obsolete. It is no longer a question of ‘capturing their minds’ and ‘their hearts will follow.’ In fact, the paradigm has been inverted: capture their hearts and their minds will follow.

We are living in high velocity, changing times. In order for individuals and teams to achieve results, they must be empowered to operate at their maximum individual and collective performance capacity.

The Living Systems Approach is the process by which this sustainable team transformation can occur.

Living Systems Approach

“The Living Systems Approach is a method that transforms groups and teams through conversations and experiential activities that evolve specifically from the team’s unique context and mandate.”

~  Adria Trowhill

Benefits of Team Coaching

Team coaching can have a multitude of potential benefits for both the team members and the organization, including:

  • individual and collective self-discovery and learning
  • increased capacity
  • shared accountability
  • improved collaboration
  • cultivation of mutual respect and understanding
  • ability to confront difficult conversations
  • improved conflict resolution
  • common vision and purpose
  • enhanced decision making (buy-in & stay-in)
  • cultural change
  • increased trust and openness, and
  • common vision and purpose.

What Type of Team would Benefit?

  • teams at the top
  • senior leadership teams
  • project teams
  • teams in crisis
  • start-up teams
  • virtual teams

What to Expect

Team coaching will begin with a preliminary discovery session with key stakeholders in order to identify the team landscape and some initial objectives for the team coaching, which will be more fully developed in a kick-off session with the whole team. A series of team coaching sessions will follow, the frequency and duration of which will be determined by the needs and objectives of the team.  Team members will be invited to take enquiries or requests away with them and/or commit to collective agreements that might be made during the course of the session. Participants will leave the session with a focus on practicing learned skills and behaviours before returning for a follow-up session.

The time commitment for a team coaching opportunity varies depending on the needs of the team. The behaviour changes and perspective shifts will occur over time and the coach’s role is to work with the team over an appropriate period of time to ensure ongoing growth and shared accountability.


What about Confidentiality?

As members of the International Coach Federation (ICF), we are bound by, and fully committed to, the ICF Code of Ethics  to maintain the strictest level of confidentiality. All information exchanged during the course of coaching remains private.

Contact us today to discover how our team coaching services can strengthen your organization.